NAME: Vila Alice _ brand image for holiday villa in Bled
LOCATION: Bled, Slovenia
YEAR: 2020
PROJECT TEAM: Špela Leskovic, Aleš Košak, Samantha Konec, Vita Marolt
TEXT: The brand image of Vila Alice, bed and breakfast vila situated in the heart of Bled, Slovenia arrives from a historical connection the building holds with a renown photographer Benedikt Lergetporer. He was a wise man who worked as photograph, loved the Slovenian countryside and also discovered Blejski Vintgar. Alice, his family relative was a beautiful and mysterious girl, loved alternative style of living and travelled a lot, which was not really common in her time. The brand image is based on these two characters - Benedikt and Alice. The font represents Alice’s handwriting and the graphic elements are connected with photography and nature.